Today, humanity is in more in need than ever of the magnificent principles of Islam to attain peace...
English Books
Sufism And Ma’rifa
Sufism or tasawwuf is an ocean without end. It is the knowledge of the Divine that encompasses the...
The Ottomans: Its Prominent Figures and Institutions
In this book you will find some stories of the sultans who ruled the world, their service to...
How he – Peace be upon him – Taught?
Our Prophet Muhammad – Peace be upon him – was educated directly by the Almighty Allah...
The sun of Guidance
We do not know how Paradise spoke with all its beauty and grandeur or the nature of that speech...
His Language Of Instruction
Allah Almighty wants us to adopt the language of the Holy Qur’an. The language of Prophet Muhammed...
The Heart Of a Muslim
The heart of a Muslim is one that is shaped by Islam. It is a heart that is pure, untainted and...
The Horizon of Islamic Contemplation
It is the only worldview, contemplative horizon, and order of life that will suffice for the needs...
Shah-i Naqshiband Rahmatullahi Alayh
Muhammad Bahauddin Shah-i Naqshiband (May Allah sanctify his secret) was a great friend of Allah...
Imam Al-Rabbani
Imam al-Rabbani is undoubtedly one of the great sultans of the spiritual world who continues to...
Jafar As-Sadiq
Dear readers! As you know, we started presenting you our Altınoluk articles, where we strive to...
Khalid Al-Baghdadi
Dear readers! As you know, we have started to present to you our Altınoluk articles, in which we...
The almighty has given us minds so that we can separate good from evil. Having a sound mind is the...
Rumi (Rahmatullah-i Alayh)
There are people who, although they are still alive, are old times. On the other hand, there are...
Journey To Eternity
Esteemed readers, Let us never forget that we have come to this World to earn our place in the Next...