Today, 1 August 2021, Sunday, we have received the news of the passing away of Shaykh Abdalqadir As-Sufi, a shaykh of the Shadhiliyya, and were deeply saddened with the loss of this great man of Da’wa who dedicated his life to the spread of Islam and living a life by the principles of Sufi ethics. He was a great man of action, who declared war on riba, wrote refutations of the banking system and struggeld to prevent the exploitation of mankind. On the one hand he adorned his Derwisches...
26 April 2018
Both our Lord’s approval as well as His wrath are hidden in deeds that sometimes appear large, sometimes mediocre and sometimes small. This is why no act of goodness, nor indeed vice, should be viewed as unimportant.
25 April 2018
Just as the purity of natural spring water is lost with just a single drop of impurity added to it, acts of worship undertaken murkily, with worldly aims and intentions, also forfeit their acceptability.
24 April 2018
Understanding the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, is the most important step in servitude to Allah. Without understanding him, knowing him, following in his footsteps and receiving a share in his spiritual disposition, our belief will not be complete, nor will we be able to fully comprehend the Qur’an, nor will we achieve perfect servanthood.
23 April 2018
The hearts of children born upon the Islamic fitra are like pure earth. They need to be worked. They are a crude ore needing to be refined. Whether they will turn out to be roses or thorns, and whether they will produce bitter or sweet fruit, depends on the seeds that are sown upon them, especially on the teaching and inspiration of their parents.
22 April 2018
Life is like a film reel, the length of film that is wound on it unknown. Nobody knows where and when it will end. Every living thing that is born is destined for death; every human being has one foot in the grave.
21 April 2018
Just as when we hold a magnifying glass under the sunlight the light passing through will burn and bring to ashes whatever is under it, every believer, too, must focus on the Declaration of Faith and undertake such a cleansing of carnal ambitions in their heart.
20 April 2018
Seek out those in this world whose days are darkness. Guide those who await guidance and rush to the aid of those in need, that these good works be a light for you after you die, in the darkness of the grave.
19 April 2018
Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi says: “If you seek us and our approval, then do not forget that this depends on winning over a single heart. Give everything you have and win over a heart, that that heart give you light in the grave, in that dark night.”
18 April 2018
The rose attains perfection and beauty by befriending the thorn and through establishing a warm relationship with it. In other words, it gains beauty and a subtle aroma by means of enduring the thorns surrounding it. The human being, too, becomes purified and advances spiritually by enduring suffering and affliction.
17 April 2018
Joyously spending one’s wealth in the way of Allah is a great honour. Not just anyone can receive such an honour. Those who are deprived of such an honour are the miserly – those unfortunate souls who live like paupers in the world and who will give account in the Hereafter like the wealthy.
16 April 2018
There can be no psychiatric ailments in a society where the Prescribed Prayer is offered in humble, devoted reverence. Allah, glorified and exalted be He, becomes shelter, a refuge, a sanctuary for those believers who turn to Him in humble submission. Sociological crises cannot be encountered in a society that wholeheartedly undertakes the prescribed annual alms, gives in charity and spends in the way of Allah.
15 April 2018
The meticulousness shown in the Prescribed Prayer is a kind of ‘moral report card’ for the believer. It is a mirror to one’s spiritual character and disposition.
14 April 2018
The believer should be more concerned with their spirit being hungry than with the hunger of their body, for the garment of the spirit that is the body will eventually return to the soil from which it came. The spirit, however, will become elevated and exalted to the extent of its spiritual capacity and refinement.
13 April 2018
We need to show familiarity, friendship and closeness to those people of learning and wisdom who have advanced spiritually, that they lead us with them toward that refinement and perfection. Otherwise, it is highly likely that one will face reluctance and not guidance.