The greatest fruit of belief is compassion, while its result is service.
10 July 2014
The world is a marketplace of the believers, the night and day their capital, good deeds their products of trade, Paradise their profit and Hellfire their loss. Abu Bakr (r.a)
9 July 2014
Service is seeking the good pleasure and approval of Allah Almighty through freedom from the arrogance of the carnal self and turning to creation with a heart full of compassion and altruism.
8 July 2014
“I asked Allah’s Messenger sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam which deed is the best.” He (pbuh) replied: “The prayer at its appointed hour.” [Sahih Muslim]
7 July 2014
An appropriate education cannot be fulfilled by rude, heartbreaking and harsh methods.
6 July 2014
The Sultan will not enter the Palace until it has been constructed perfectly
5 July 2014
Remove from your lips all other than Allah, such that the truth can be manifest
4 July 2014
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. [2:256]
“Whoever sends peace and blessings upon me once, Allah Most High has mercy on him ten times over , wiping away ten of his mistakes and raising his rank ten degrees” (Nasai, Sahv, 55)
2 July 2014
Every person should practice what he or she has learned in proportion to his or her capacity.
1 July 2014
Service to others is the product of compassion, while mercy is the product of belief. If there is belief, then there is true mercy; if there is no belief, there is also no mercy.
30 June 2014
Do not cut your relationship with those who cut their relationship with you. Give charity to those who do not give to you. Forgive those who do wrong to you.
29 June 2014
“The most eminent and worthy thing, is having a heart that is full of remembrance of Allah, all the time, everywhere.” (Abu al-Hassan al-Kharaqani)
28 June 2014
The Prophet (pbuh) advised anyone who became Muslim: “The symbol of Islam is prayer. Whoever prays in time, paying attention to the details, and whole- heartedly, this person is a believer.” (Fadail al-Amal, 255-256).
27 June 2014
And do good as Allah has done good to you.[Al-Qasas,77]