THE NEED TO AVOID THE WORLD OF UNBELIEVERS ghayri l-maghdūbi ‘alayhim (1:7) [He] wills that we do...
The Most Important Duty of Parents Is to Raise Dutiful Children
For the illustrious, subtle, pure soul of the Messenger of Allah, upon him be peace and blessings...
Things To Take Into Account In The Upbringing Of Children
Another matter: As young children have a strong tendency to imitate adult behaviour, behaviour that...
Endeavouring To Perform One Act Of Goodness After Another
The human being is to pull themselves away from all petty things. fa-idhā faraghta fanṣab wa-ilā...
Idle Preoccupations Do Not Befit The Believer
Alladhīna hum fī ṣalātihim khāshiʿūn. In reference to the prosperous believers, Allah Almighty...
The Secret of Knowing Allah in The Heart, The Worst of Things is...
For the Messenger of Allah, upon him be peace and blessings, for the illustrious, subtle, pure soul...
Are we ready for death? Why will everyone die full of regret?
…The Qur’an informs us in its last three juz’ (part) that the Day of Resurrection...
This World is a Realm of Trial
Respected brothers and sisters. May Allah Almighty grant us all blessings from the Qur’anic...
What are the Hidden Prohibitions?
A person may be mindful of external sins, but be unaware of hidden sins. These hidden sins can even...
A Dynamic Commitment to Islam
Respected brothers and youth, In the Qur’anic verses recited, Allah Almighty enjoins us to...
Being the Community of Allah’s Messenger Comes at a Price
Esteemed sisters and brothers. Endless praise be to Allah, the Most High. May our Lord allow us all...
What Kind of Family Life Engenders Peace?
Respected brothers and sisters. The Qur’anic verse that was recited was the 190th verse of...
How Must Servanthood be Realised?
We ought to consider, we have come to the world gratuitously. We could have come as any other...
How are the Obstacles of Satan and the Carnal Self to be...
Allah, glorified be He, informs us that among all creation, He has created humankind as the most...