The late hours of the night are like spring rains falling upon a fertile soil. One needs to be awake in order to benefit from them.
The late hours of the night are like spring rains falling upon a fertile soil. One needs to be awake in order to benefit from them.
What invests the ‘raw’ human being the quality of a perfected one is the excellent ethics and morality of Islam.
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “In order to reform others we must first reform ourselves.”
What invests the ‘raw’ human being the quality of a perfected one is the excellent ethics and morality of Islam.
“Visit your friends frequently, as roads that are not tread become covered in thorns and weeds.” Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi
It is reviving one’s nights with worship and responding to the special call of our Lord.
Allah Almighty bestows blessings upon our service commensurate with our sincerity.
Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi states: “A person in need is the mirror of generosity. Take care not utter hurtful words and in so doing fog up that mirror.”
The true talent of a person is to enable their heart to attain such expansiveness.
Our lives continue after our fleeting lives in this world, commensurate with our self-sacrifice and service.
Happy are those who can find a place in their heart for all that is created for the sake of the Creator!
The human being rises in spiritual rank in accordance with the worthiness of the one towards which they feel love. In this sense, the love felt for one who is not worthy is a great loss.
A believer possessing the spirit and consciousness of service is capable of finding the means and opportunities for it under any circumstance.
The greatest compassion for our child is to be able to offer them happiness in the Hereafter.
Suhba, or spiritual exchange and fellowship, is a centre of spiritual rehabilitation and transaction.
Use your time so wisely that even if it were to be said, “You will die tomorrow,” you do not feel the need to make any changes to your schedule.
Musa Topbaş, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “The protection of religion, flag and nation, can only be achieved with the raising of a self-sacrificing youth.”
Shaykh Shibli states: “Thankfulness is to see not the bounty, but the Bestower of that bounty.”
Shaykh Sa’di Shirazi says: “No matter how much you read, you are ignorant if you fail to act in a manner befitting your knowledge.”
An intellectual says: “There is a single gram’s difference between dominant peoples and oppressed peoples. And this is a handful of well educated and edified individuals.”
“None of you becomes true Muslim unless he desires for his fellow Muslim what he desires for himself!” AlBukhari, Imaan 7, Hadith no: 12.
Shaykh Shibli states: “Thankfulness is to see not the bounty, but the Bestower of that bounty.”
History is not knowledge of mere chronology. History is a noble discipline which shows societies the real arena of truth and falsehood, right and wrong.
Imam Ghazali, may Allah have mercy on him, says: “Being your character to completion and perfect your virtue, for you are human, not with your physical being, but with your soul.”
How can those heedless hearts that today cannot demonstrate the will to forgive Allah’s servants, seek His forgiveness, in His Presence, in the Hereafter?
The inner world of the person of service is a court of mercy embracing all creation. In the same way that it is not possible for the sun not to heat, it is impossible for elevated spirits not to take pity on others, refrain from service to them and remain indifferent to suffering and affliction.
Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) has informed us that: “On the day of judgement, the first deed that the servant will be taken to account for is the ritual prayer (salat). If the ritual prayer is complete, his affairs will be set aright and he will come out profitable. If his prayer is not complete he will lose and be deficient. If there is any deficiency in the obligatory worship, then the Lord Most Supreme and Glorious will say: “Look and see whether my servant has any supererogatory prayers”. The...
Junayd al-Baghdadi states: “Patience in the face of hardship and misfortune is the lamp of the knowers of God and the invocation of the Sufis. But the heedless cannot comprehend this.”
History is not knowledge of mere chronology. History is a noble discipline which shows societies the real arena of truth and falsehood, right and wrong.
Shaykh Sa’di Shirazi says: “Allah Almighty is not pleased with a servant who is not content with their lot.”
How happy are those who are able to transform their hearts into a court of compassion and mercy and revive all creation in their heart’s palace…
How happy are those who are able to transform their hearts into a court of compassion and mercy and revive all creation in their heart’s palace…
There is nothing miraculous in forecasting the future of a nation. All that one need do for this is to look at where the youth of that nation spend their energies.
Imam Shafi’i states: “The person who is most uneasy in the world is one who holds envy and rancour in their heart.”
The most magnificent of conquerors is the conqueror of hearts.
He gives wisdom to whom He wills, and whoever has been given wisdom has certainly been given much good. And none will remember except those of understanding.
Watch what comes out of your mouth when you speak. (Either speak good or remain silent.) And watch what enters your mouth when you eat. (Eat of the religiously permissible.)
Scholar of the Righteous Predecessors, Abu Hazim, says: “Every bounty that does not bring one closer to God is an affliction (for it subjects one to heedlessness).”
When Hasan (r.a) used to enter a mosque he would pray as follows: “O my Sustainer. Your slave is at Your door. O possessor of Grace. Your sinful servant has come to You. You have ordered Your righteous slaves to forgive the evil of those who do wrong. Because You are the Forgiving and Generous One. O Allah. Forgive the wrongs that I have done with that same forgiveness and grace of Yours and have mercy on me”.
Do not be in the company of the foolish, for they may cause you harm with the intention of doing good.
Shaykh Sa’di Shirazi says: “Allah Almighty is not pleased with a servant who is not content with their portion (the Divine decree concerning them).”
One should always have a program in which every breath and every action is devoted to the Creator.
A believer possessing the spirit and consciousness of service is capable of finding the means and opportunities for it under any circumstance.
For a person to establish the truth and the true path they must keep their nafs under control at all times.
People of service resemble a river, which flows forth across vast distances, giving life, as it were, to thousands of living beings, humans, animals, trees, roses, … and nightingales. The sea that this river is destined to meet is Allah Almighty’s eternal “ocean of union”.
“And on that Day, you will most surely be questioned as to all the favours (bestowed on you).” (102:8)
The flames of Hellfire are set alight with the evil states and character traits of human beings, while the gardens of Paradise blossom with the noble qualities and conduct of human beings. Imam Shafi’i
There is a polish for everything that removes the rust; the polish for the heart is remembrance of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
‘Ali, may Allah be well-pleased with him, states: “Whosoever sends one hundred blessings and salutations to our Prophet on Fridays, they appear on the Day of Judgement with a beautiful and luminous countenance and people ask one another in envy, “What was the deed that this person performed?”
How excellent is the hadith of the Prophet when he said: “None of you becomes true Muslim unless he desires for his fellow Muslim what he desires for himself!” Al-Bukhari, Imaan 7, Hadith no: 12.
The measure of true richness is not abundance of wealth and an inflated wallet, but is contentment and spending from the heart.
True believers never overlook the following reality: “There is reckoning for the religiously permissible and punishment for the prohibited.”
The highest prices are paid for the sake of love. The degree to which we love something is measured with our level of sacrifice and the risks we take in its cause.
“Lovers have heartaches that can’t be cured by drugs, or sleep, or games, but only by seeing their Beloved.” Mawlana Jalaladdin Rumi
Abu Hāzim said: “I found the whole world in two things: the first is my sustenance and the second is the sustenance of another person. My sustenance will catch me even if I rode the wind and flew away. And if I tried to take someone else’s sustenance, even if I rode the wind after it, I would never be able to catch it.”
If you see something you do not like in your brother try to find excuses for him, from one to seventy. If you cannot find an excuse, say, ‘There might be an excuse, but I don’t know it.’ Jafar As-Sadiq
True talent and health is knowing how to be patient in prosperity.
Even if you were to become like a bow from performing the prayer and like a nail from fasting, Allah will not accept that worship so long as you do not avoid the prohibited as well as doubtful things.
Ibn Ata said concerning obedience to the rules of etiquette: “Whoever adopts the etiquette of the people of pure heart, his carpet is the carpet of blessings. Whoever adopts the etiquette of the friends of Allah, his carpet is a carpet reflecting the spiritual states of friendship with Allah. Whoever adopts the etiquette of the prophets, his carpet is the carpet of intimacy with Allah. And, whoever is barren of good etiquette, he is deprived of all good things.”
True contemplation begins at the point of intersection of reason inspired by revelation and a spiritually refined heart.