One who usurps the right of another will have wronged not only that person, but as they have committed a wrong necessitating punishment in the Hereafter, will have primarily wronged themselves.
One who usurps the right of another will have wronged not only that person, but as they have committed a wrong necessitating punishment in the Hereafter, will have primarily wronged themselves.
Many people are a friend to self-interest. True friendship, however, is to be willing to share in the troubles of a friend as much as in their happiness.
Suffering brings the human being to maturity. Rocks along the beach struck for centuries by the waves have thus been freed from roughness and have become as strong as granite.
Many people are a friend to self-interest. True friendship, however, is to be willing to share in the troubles of a friend as much as in their happiness.
Our Lord, forgive me and my parents and the believers the Day the account is established.” Ibrahim-41
Let us be vigilant, as this fleeting worldly life of trial is but only once. It can neither be repeated nor made up for.
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Your souls have no value less than Paradise, so do not sell them for anything less.”
Submission to Allah turns the fire into a rose garden.
The believer possesses as sensitive a spirit as to know from their countenance those in need, those who cannot beg from the people due to their virtue and sense of shame.
Suffering brings the human being to maturity. Rocks along the beach struck for centuries by the waves have thus been freed from roughness and have become as strong as granite.
The greatest oppressor is your own carnal self. The oppressor in the outside world can, at most, take your fleeting life. But the oppressor inside you takes aim at your eternal life in the Hereafter.
Jihad in Islam is aimed not at annexing a piece of land or at bloodshed, but rushing to the aid of the oppressed and to be able to conquer those hearts awaiting guidance.
Sometimes a sin requires a thousand tears for its forgiveness, while sometimes a single tear coming from the heart cleanses a thousand sins.
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: The believer is an altruistic person. They are those self-sacrificing and high-minded individuals who are able to put the wellbeing of their fellow believer before their own wellbeing.
Knowledge is ‘useful knowledge’ only to the degree that it brings us closer to experiential knowledge of Allah (ma’rifa). The greatest ignorance is not knowing servitude to Allah.
“All that possesses eye, ear and mouth is not Adam. Many satans there are who appear in the form of the children of Adam. The true Adam is the person with good character. Beauty in countenance and other adornments resemble the fleeting embroideries in the world.” Shaykh Sa’di Shirazi
The believer is one who constantly looks at their own state in the mirror of the Qur’an and the Sunna.
Mensajero de Allah (s.a.s): “Un Muslmán que vive en comunidad y soporta las pruebas que ello supone, muestra más virtud que aquél que se aleja de esa comunidad y de sus problemas.” (Tirmidhi, Qiyamat, 55
Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi, may his secret be sanctified, says: “Everything that needs to be given must be given before death takes it.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Worldly desires and hopes blind even the insightful.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: Each dawn is the turning of a white page from the book of life. Let us think: What are we writing today on that leaf which we will read on the Day of Reckoning?
The heedless seek to celebrate saying, “It is my birthday once again.” While the intimate knower seeks an answer to the question, “I wonder how this past year has been recorded in my book of deeds?”
Our beloved Prophet says: “A prayer performed in congregation is twenty-seven times superior to praying alone.” (Bukhari, Adhan 30)
La primera obligación del hombre es pasar todas las pruebas a los que se enfrenta en esta cósmica sala de exámenes que es el mundo para llegar a ser, de esta manera, un digno siervo de Allah Todopoderoso.
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Of what do the Children of Adam boast? Their beginning is a fertilized ovum and their end, carrion. They can neither create their own sustenance, nor save themselves from ruin.”
Our beloved Prophet says: “A prayer performed in congregation is twenty-seven times superior to praying alone.” (Bukhari, Adhan 30)
Our Beloved Prophet said: “The most virtuous supplication is ‘La Ilaha Illallah’ and the most virtuous prayer is ‘Alhamdulillah.” (Tirmizi Deavât 9)
Our Beloved Prophet said: “The most virtuous supplication is ‘La Ilaha Illallah’ and the most virtuous prayer is ‘Alhamdulillah.” (Tirmizi Deavât 9)
Abu Hurayra relates the supplication of Prophet Dawud, upon him be peace: “O Lord, allow me to love You, to love what You love, and grant me the deeds of righteousness that will lead me to Your love.” (See (Tirmidhi, Da’awat, 72)
And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace. [Al-Furqan-63]
“The whole world is providence and the best provision of the world is a pious woman.” (Muslim, Kitab alRada, 64; See also: Nasa`i, Nikah, 15; Ibn Maja, Nikah, 5)
Abu Bakr, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Goodness to the people protects a person from disaster and misfortune.”
Abu Bakr, may Allah be well pleased with him, states: For me, thankfulness in prosperity is more desirable than patience in trial and tribulation.”
Abu Hurayra (r.a) relates the supplication of Prophet Dawud, upon him be peace: “O Lord, allow me to love You, to love what You love, and grant me the deeds of righteousness that will lead me to Your love.” (See (Tirmidhi, Da’awat, 72)
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “One who hides their secret, safeguards their own self. One who does not know evil falls into its trap.”
Each dawn is the turning of a white page from the book of life. Let us think: What are we writing today on that leaf which we will read on the Day of Reckoning?
Mu’adh ibn Jabal’s advice to his son: “Son, think of each prayer as if it were your last. Do not expect that you will reach the time for another such prayer.”
Thankfulness is of two kinds: 1) Acknowledgement of the Divine origin of all bounties and engaging in thankfulness with one’s words. 2) Expressing thankfulness with one’s actions by offering those bounties to those who are deprived of them.
Compassion is the most distinguished jewel of our humanity that enables us to attain spiritual union with Allah.
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “I prefer relieving the difficulty of a Muslim, to a world made of gold or silver.”
Imam Rabbani says: “Love of Allah and His Messenger will not become established in a servant’s heart until they shed themselves completely of carnal desires.”
The veil between the servant and Allah is not the world, but their own selfhood.
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Attaining the entirety of blessing is to die as a Muslim.”
Our beloved Prophet says: “In the body, there is a piece of flesh, if it is good, the whole body is good, and if it is bad, the whole body is bad; truly it is the heart.” (Bukhari, Iman 39)
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Attaining the entirety of blessing is to die as a Muslim.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Breaths are the steps taken toward death.”
The most magnificent of conquerors is the conqueror of hearts.
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “The believer’s smile is upon their face, while their sorrow lies in their heart.”
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Do not put off today’s work until tomorrow, for progress is difficult once work falls behind.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “I prefer relieving the difficulty of a Muslim, to a world made of gold or silver.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Remaining silent until one has been asked is better than speaking until one is silenced.”
For one who is content with God’s will and determination nothing is difficult and all difficulties are eased.
‘Uthman, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Prefer the abiding to that which is ephemeral. This world will fade and the return is to Allah. Fear Allah.”
Blessed are those believers who hold love of Allah and His Messenger above all else and who are not deceived by the fake flowers of wild gardens.
Many a non-Muslim has affirmed the virtue of the Messenger of Allah. The true virtue is that which even one’s enemy is forced to confirm and concede.
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Remaining silent until one has been asked is better than speaking until one is silenced.”
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “The honour of an act of kindness is to be found in doing it without delay.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Remaining silent until one has been asked is better than speaking until one is silenced.”
Abu Bakr, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “There is no affliction of which there is none that is worse than it.”
‘Uthman, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Prefer the abiding to that which is ephemeral. This world will fade and the return is to Allah. Fear Allah.”