‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Do not put off today’s work until tomorrow, for progress is difficult once work falls behind.”
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Do not put off today’s work until tomorrow, for progress is difficult once work falls behind.”
The religiously permissible is Divine, while the unlawful is diabolical. In the lawful is the effusive grace and blessing of Allah Almighty, while the unlawful contains the unfruitfulness and inauspiciousness of Satan.
Many a non-Muslim has affirmed the virtue of the Messenger of Allah. The true virtue is that which even one’s enemy is forced to confirm and concede.
Blessed are those believers who hold love of Allah and His Messenger above all else and who are not deceived by the fake flowers of wild gardens.
Many a non-Muslim has affirmed the virtue of the Messenger of Allah. The true virtue is that which even one’s enemy is forced to confirm and concede.
‘Uthman, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Assuredly the world is fleeting, and the Hereafter abiding. Let not the fleeting tempt or distract you from that which is eternal.”
‘Uthman, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Assuredly the world is fleeting, and the Hereafter abiding. Let not the fleeting tempt or distract you from that which is eternal.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Attaining the entirety of blessing is to die as a Muslim.”
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Do not put off today’s work until tomorrow, for progress is difficult once work falls behind.”
“Every morning, two angels come to earth. One of them prays, “My Lord! Restore the wealth of those who spend it for the right cause!” The other one says: “My Lord! Destroy the wealth of those who are stingy!” (Muslim, Zakat, 57)
Many a non-Muslim has affirmed the virtue of the Messenger of Allah. The true virtue is that which even one’s enemy is forced to confirm and concede.
Abu Bakr, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Ask Allah for protection from afflictions. No one has been given a thing more meritorious after conviction in belief than protection from afflictions.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Remaining silent until one has been asked is better than speaking until one is silenced.”
The rose is the symbol of the Messenger of Allah, upon him be peace and blessings. Happy are those who are able to be a dewdrop on a single petal of that Rose.
Abu Bakr, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Flee fame, that honor may follow you. Be prepared for death, that you may be given life.”
Those most learned in the Sira, the Life of the Prophet are those whose lives most resemble the life of the Messenger of Allah, upon him be peace and blessings, and those who receive a share from his spirituality.
The greatest sign of a heart filled with love of Allah is treating the servants of Allah with forgiveness and compassion.
Ahmad ibn Hanbal says, “One cannot encounter reason in a head that carries conceit.”
The Messenger of Allah says: “You will die as you have lived and will be resurrected as you have died.” (Munawi, Fayd al-Qadr, V:663)
Ahmad ibn Hanbal says, “The foolish among human beings are those who take pleasure in being the subject of praise.”
Whatever the learning and education we have acquired, the true learning that we need at every moment is the education of, “ma’rifa, or knowing Allah with the heart.”
If the unlawful enters the body, the taste of and tranquillity offered by worship is the first to go.
The religiously permissible is Divine, while the unlawful is diabolical. In the lawful is the effusive grace and blessing of Allah Almighty, while the unlawful contains the unfruitfulness and inauspiciousness of Satan.
The greatest sign of a heart filled with love of Allah is treating the servants of Allah with forgiveness and compassion.
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, states: “One who abandons concern for the faults of others is bestowed with the ability to reform the faults of their own carnal self.”
The important thing is to be of a rose’s disposition: to be able to diffuse beauty to the world and heal wounded hearts, even when on top of thorns.
The degree of love becomes manifest in its product. Our love for the Messenger of Allah is to the extent of our ability to put his elevated Sunna into practice in our lives.
Muhyiddin ibn ‘Arabi (may Allah bless his soul) says “The best continuous charity is to help people to get married; because for those who help, there will be a share in the rewards of the good deeds of the progeny of the couples they helped to get married.”
A believer is the person who possesses as sensitive a conscience and as altruistic a spirit as to hold themselves responsible for all the people within their reach, and even for the state and trajectory of their age.
Even his enemies were unable to deny the truthful and trustworthy character of the Messenger of Allah. One who does not possess such characteristics cannot be spokespeople for the truth.
A believer is the person who possesses as sensitive a conscience and as altruistic a spirit as to hold themselves responsible for all the people within their reach, and even for the state and trajectory of their age.
The important thing is to be of a rose’s disposition: to be able to diffuse beauty to the world and heal wounded hearts, even when on top of thorns.
The greatest sign of a heart filled with love of Allah is treating the servants of Allah with forgiveness and compassion.
Abu Bakr, may Allah be well pleased with him, says, “Conceal not your state from those who seek to show you the way, otherwise you will deceive none other than yourself.”
Even his enemies were unable to deny the truthful and trustworthy character of the Messenger of Allah. One who does not possess such characteristics cannot be spokespeople for the truth.
The time before dawn is the time to wake up the heart. For those whose nights pass by in darkness, there is no light during the day either.
Even his enemies were unable to deny the truthful and trustworthy character of the Messenger of Allah. One who does not possess such characteristics cannot be spokes people for the truth.
The religiously permissible is Divine, while the unlawful is diabolical. In the lawful is the effusive grace and blessing of Allah Almighty, while the unlawful contains the unfruitfulness and inauspiciousness of Satan.
Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi says: “Entreat God and turn to Him in repentance with a heart filled with the fire of remorse and with eyes filled with tears. For flowers bloom in places sunlit and moist.”
Just as there is a door to every heart, there is surely a door at which every heart can attain maturity and find repose. What falls to the servant is to render these two doors one.
The religiously permissible is Divine, while the unlawful is diabolical. In the lawful is the effusive grace and blessing of Allah Almighty, while the unlawful contains the unfruitfulness and inauspiciousness of Satan.
Sufyan al-Thawri says, “A person’s religiosity is proportional to the religious lawfulness of their morsel.”
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says, “Put your spirits to rest with thought-provoking words of wisdom, for spirits weary just as bodies do.”
Let us take care not to mix the unlawful into our earnings, and to eat of the lawful. The lawful provides the servant with vigour, while unlawful and doubtful morsels give heedlessness.
‘Uthman, may Allah be well pleased with him, says, “Do whatever deeds of righteousness you can before death strikes.”
Shaykh Naqshband says, “There is no good or blessing in an affair that is undertaken in anger, heedlessness, reluctance, or by force.”
“We are most knowing of what they say, and you are not over them a tyrant. But remind by the Qur’an whoever fears My threat.” Suratul-Qaf 50:45
‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him, says, “One who knows that their words are counted among their deeds speaks little and speaks only of what is of concern to them.”
‘Umar, may Allah be well pleased with him, says: “Establishing sound friendships is half of reason, asking the right questions is half of knowledge, and taking the best measures is half of life.”
Just as there is a door to every heart, there is surely a door at which every heart can attain maturity and find repose. What falls to the servant is to render these two doors one.
Let us not forget that there is in the world neither a place in which to hide from death, nor the possibility of return from the grave, nor a shelter in which to take refuge from the severity of the Day of Judgement.
Do not be in the company of those with malevolent hearts. In times of ease, they will seem like close friends, however in times of need they will not be there for you.
Protection of the heart is attained by leading a spiritual life.
“Neither a prophet nor a reformist has verged upon the success of Muhammad in the whole history of humanity.” Thomas Carlyle
If one serves in the way of Allah the Most Beneficent, then surely He will make his affairs easy for him.
“Hold a good opinion of the servants of Allah and be saved from much weariness.” (‘Ali, may Allah be well pleased with him.)
Know that propriety is enduring with patience the impropriety of every ill-mannered person. (Rumi, may Allah sanctify his secret.)
The Glorious Quran is an ocean, and its depths should be explored. Each person reaches a level according to his or her heart.
For a person to establish the truth and the true path they must keep their nafs under control at all times.
“I will be the first of you to reach the Pool of Kawthar and I will meet you there! Our meeting place is the Pool. I see it at this very moment! I will testify on your behalf! I have been given, at this moment, the treasures of earth and their keys. By Allah, I fear not that you will return to idolatry after me! But I fear that you will get carried away in worldly greed and become jealous of each other, kill one another and perish just like those who have perished before you!” (Bukhari, Janaiz...