Prophet Adam, upon him be peace, ate the forbidden fruit, but he repented immediately. Satan, however, saw it beneath himself to correct his mistake and thus rebelled against Allah. This goes to show that acknowledging one’s mistake, turning away from such a course and repenting for it immediately, is essential for deliverance from Divine punishment.
27 March 2018
It would not be right to compare ourselves to society’s ignorant and heedless in the matter of service and endeavour in the way of Allah. Allah, glorified and exalted be He, holds up the Companions as an example for us. In other words, we are duty bound to measure our efforts in Allah’s way up against the state of the Companions.
26 March 2018
Of the 120,000 Companions who were present during the Farewell Pilgrimage, only 20,000 lay buried in their own lands. The greater majority died, but breathed life into the lands to which they went to convey Allah’s message, to strive in His way and to revive hearts.
25 March 2018
Mawlana Jalal al-Din al-Rumi says: “‘What is religion?’ my mind asked my heart. Whispering to my mind’s ear, my heart said, ‘Religion is noble conduct.'”
24 March 2018
In our day, Islam is being attacked from all sides. Islam is facing such attack by virtue of its being the sole religion which reminds people of a Hereafter and calls them to truth and justice. Accordingly, it is imperative that believers strive for the future of Islam.
23 March 2018
Allah has given the human being two ears and one mouth. This means that one should not speak without first listening and trying to understand.
22 March 2018
Sufism is the art of forgetting grievance. It is the means of acquiring His good pleasure and approval through resignation to His every determination, bitter or sweet.
21 March 2018
A believer who loves Allah will be subjected to many trials in their lives, to test the sincerity in their affection, in the same way that gold is rubbed against a touchstone to test its purity.
20 March 2018
In this realm of trial, every product has its own market. A servant who seeks happiness should avoid wandering through the markets of misery and gazing at carnal and satanic shopfronts.
19 March 2018
The sun of eternal happiness can only rise on the spiritual horizon of those who lead their lives in the light of Divine revelation, in accord with what is right, and who know how to transition to the Hereafter with a clear conscience, a sound heart and with nothing that will cause them shame.
18 March 2018
The passing rosiness of worldly life is the precursor of a pallid end, and its heedless laughter, the omen of Hellfire’s crackling.
17 March 2018
It is certain that a dark night of the worldly life deprived of the light of belief and acts of worship, and spent in all kinds of amusement, madness, oppression, injustice, and carnality, will not bring forth a bright morning of eternity.
16 March 2018
The worst heedlessness is a person’s possessing a spiritually lifeless heart and not even being aware of it.
15 March 2018
All of us will see in the Hereafter what we have done in this world. What we will reap in the Hereafter tomorrow can only be the crop of what we have sown in the worldly field today.
14 March 2018
Funerals pass us by constantly on the street. Human beings should take lesson from the millions of people who are buried beneath the earth. They should continually contemplate their end, knowing that they too will one day be carried in that wooden casket.