There is no turning away of the needy in Islam. One who is not able to give anything must at the very least offer comfort and consolation with their words.
25 February 2018
Regard honouring others as a favour and honour the needy in a sense of gratitude. Do not forget that “surely Allah is He [Who] accepts what is offered as charity”. (See 9:104)
24 February 2018
As for friendship with Allah, it is contingent upon defeating the ambitions of the carnal self. Those who befriend their carnal desires are deprived of the friendship of Allah.
23 February 2018
Acts of worship have their set times. Belief and servanthood, however, span a whole lifetime.
22 February 2018
Even if a person possessed the whole world and reached the pinnacle of material wellbeing, nothing can fill the void which deprivation of belief leaves in their soul.
21 February 2018
No matter how many righteous deeds we may have, we must seek refuge in the mercy of Allah. For our good deeds are in as much need of acceptance as our prayers are.
20 February 2018
The wise person is one who sacrifices the fleeting to earn the eternal. One who is deceived by the world and sells their Hereafter is heedless. And one who sells their Hereafter for the world of another, is a fool.
19 February 2018
The duty of the human being is to constantly remember mortality and the Hereafter. Otherwise, their inner world will turn into a cesspool of carnal ambition.
18 February 2018
There is no harm in worldly affairs when the heart is with Allah. But with a heart which the hustle and bustle of the world has left heedless, even worship has its shortcomings.
17 February 2018
The Straight Path is a path leading to Allah Almighty. The guide along this path is the Messenger of Allah. Disloyalty to the Messenger of Allah is the greatest disloyalty.
16 February 2018
The sincere tears of those who enter the garden Divine love are a fountain of repentance that washes away sins and purifies hearts.
15 February 2018
The failure of deeds to engender favourable effects in one’s morality and way of living is a sign of their insincerity.
14 February 2018
The Prescribed Prayer keeps the servant away from vice and wickedness. It is sufficient that we look at how much we are able to avoid sin, in order to determine whether or not our prayers are acceptable.
13 February 2018
Children who are deprived of spiritual learning and who are not trained in accordance with the Qur’an and the Prophetic example will be claimants against their parents on the Day of Reckoning.
12 February 2018
The most precious time is the time between the past and the future – the present. This is because the pages from the past are shut, while what the future contains is unknown.