Dominion belongs to Allah. It has been given to the servant as a trust. The believer has come to this world not to take possession of it, but to be a witness, or representative of the Qur’an and the Sunna. This is why wealth should be made a witness for one’s belief. This can be realised by viewing wealth not in the sense of ownership, but as a trust.
12 March 2018
On the Day of Resurrection, other beings will be raised up along with human beings, and will seek retribution for the rights that were violated in the world. In this respect, the oppression of animals – not to mention human beings – over-exerting them, and even breaking off a fresh branch from a tree unnecessarily has been prohibited in the religion.
11 March 2018
Human spirituality and carnality are like opposite ends of a balance. When one end becomes lighter, the other weighs heavy. Hearts cannot attain eternal pleasures until they draw away from fleeting ones. In just the same way that children cannot receive loftier sustenance and life-sustaining nourishment without first being weaned off milk.
10 March 2018
The most fortunate of people are those who can render their hearts a spiritual meeting place in the climate of the Qur’an and the Sunna, and who are able to take in all of creation.
9 March 2018
Every sincere service and endeavour undertaken purely for the sake of earning Divine approval, and far from any thought of self-interest, is an expression in action, of the aspiration and quest for ultimate union with Allah.
8 March 2018
In this world, the poor are in need of the wealthy, while in the Hereafter, the wealthy will be in much more need of the prayers of the poor. The poor are in this sense an invaluable blessing for the wealthy, because it is through the poor that they are able to attain the approval and good pleasure of Allah.
7 March 2018
A believer who aspires to attaining the good pleasure and approval of their Lord must first be pleased with God’s determination for them.
6 March 2018
Patience is required, until one’s last breath, in times of affluence and poverty, in the endeavour to earn rewards and in avoiding sin. For, all of these are a means of Divine test and trial.
5 March 2018
A believer must forget complaint even at the first moment of trial, when all afflictions and tribulations strike with all their might. They must consider the good that will come to them as a result of their patience, and must remain self-composed.
4 March 2018
Some properties are referred to as timeshare properties. However, when considered from the perspective of belief, all transitory properties are in fact timeshare properties.
3 March 2018
Selfish and uncaring indifference to the suffering of others can in no way reflect the scope of a Muslim’s conscience.
2 March 2018
Allah Almighty gives to whoever He wills in abundance, and to whoever He wills, sparingly. But He holds everyone accountable relative to the bounties He bestows upon them.
1 March 2018
Every blessing that the servant converts into capital for carnality is in reality not a blessing, but a spiritual affliction that will turn their otherworldly life into torment.
28 February 2018
When one can offer thanks to Allah for His countless blessings and strive to earn His good pleasure and approval, what great ingratitude it is to instead focus on the bounty and forget the Bestower of that bounty.
27 February 2018
Every blessing for which thanks is not given and which leads a person to heedlessness has in fact ceased to be a blessing, and has become instead a heavy burden in the Hereafter.