Whoever acts with what he knows, Allah will grant him knowledge of that which he did not know.
06 September 2014
Time is precious in this world. Every minute is precious. Everyone comes to the world along with a Divine schedule of events.
05 September 2014
People of service are held responsible in every place that their heart reaches.
04 September 2014
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) has said: “I am the result of the prayer of my father Ibrahîm, the good tidings of my brother Jesus, and the dream of my mother Amina.” Ahmad, V, 262; Hakim, II, 453.
3 September 2014
Your journey is towards your homeland. Remember you are travelling from the world of appearanced to the world of Reality. Abd’ul Khaliq Gujduwani
02 September 2014
Through prayer and the struggle against the nafs, one needs to show constant perseverance.
30 August 2014
The cautions and advices of the righteous are reflections from the climes of the Quran and the words of the Prophet.
29 August 2014
Go to the graveyard. Sit there for a while in silence. Listen to the voices of the mute! Rumi
28 August 2014
“It is easier to stop sinning than to continue repenting.” `Umar (r.a)
27 August 2014
Sagacious human beings who are among the select are humble, like the trees bearing fruits that have ripened bowing their heads.
26 August 2014
“Try to do all good deeds before death reaches you.” `Uthman (r.a)
25 August 2014
“Paradise is for the generous, while Hell is for the ignorant.” Ali (r.a)
23 August 2014
Rumī (q.s) advises in this regard that: “Do not sell mirrors in the bazaar of the blind; and do not recite gazelles in the bazaar of the deaf.”
22 August 2014
An educator should first adorn his own life with the goodness that he advises to others and should try to become a living example.
21 August 2014
Act in accordance with the way you look! Look in accordance with the way you act! Mawlana Jalaladdin Rumi