Patience is required in times of affluence and poverty, in the endeavour to earn rewards and in shunning sin, and until the last breath. For all of these are a Divine test and trial.
26 September 2014
The life of the world is a limited bounty bestowed upon us so that we may earn eternal happiness. It offers neither a second chance, nor any possibility for amends.
25 September 2014
“A person is with those they love.” (Buhari)
24 September 2014
Whenever a believer sees the needy or the suffering, they must engage in self-interrogation saying, “I could well have been in their shoes, and they in mine.”
23 September 2014
A believer must forget complaint even at the moment when all afflictions and tribulations strike with all their might. They must consider the good that will ultimately come to them when they are patient, and thus maintain their repose.
22 September 2014
Some properties in our day are referred to as being ‘timeshare’, whereas when considered from the perspective of belief, all fleeting properties are in fact ‘timeshare’.
20 September 2014
A person’s duty is to forget transience. Otherwise, their heart will turn into ruin with ambition.
19 September 2014
A believer must be as merciful as the blowing breeze, as generous as the falling rain, must perpetually offer peace to their surroundings and must seek the approval of the Almighty.
18 September 2014
The heedlessness of humanity – who deems thanks to one who offers them even a single glass of water a duty – to Allah, the True Owner of all bounties, is indeed a great disloyalty.
17 September 2014
The heart of a person increasingly expands as they attain perfection in belief, and they become a site of mercy and centre of spiritual rehabilitation which embraces all creation.
16 September 2014
A believer who aspires to attaining the good pleasure of their Lord must first be pleased with God’s determining for them.
15 September 2014
One who gives the fleeting and earns the eternal is indeed the wise person. One who sells the Hereafter and falls for the world is heedless. And one who sells their Hereafter for the worldly life of another is a fool.
13 September 2014
A believer who seeks the good pleasure of their Lord must first be pleased with His decree concerning their own self.
09 September 2014
Time is a great fortune the value of which is not known appreciated.
10 September 2014
“!Oh Allah! Te pido Tu Amor, el amor de los que Tú amas y los actos que llevan a Tu Amor. ¡Oh Allah! ¡Haz que Tu Amor me sea más querido que yo mismo, mi familia, mis posesiones, e incluso el agua fresca!” (Tirmidhi, Dawat, 72)